The short answer is No. Don’t misunderstand, we Pro-Life advocates have won a hell-shaking victory in the overturning of Roe v. Wade. But it did not make abortions illegal in this country. Rather, it turned the power to address and decide abortion laws to the states, and ultimately, to its voters. This is creating a patchwork of states that are banning abortion altogether, states that are allowing abortions up to a certain gestational point or in circumstances such as rape or the health of the mother, and states that are wide open to wholesale abortion at any time for any reason. The state I live in, Maryland, falls in the latter. Because Maryland is surrounded by states that are less open to abortion, we will probably become a mecca for those seeking abortions from out-of-state. More innocent blood to be shed on our already bloody land.

We are more than grateful for the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), but they did not rule against abortion on the sanctity of life, but rather to fix a jurisprudential error, sending it back to the states to let the democratic process play out. In other words, Roe v. Wade was based on bad law and could not stand judicial testing. The Court did not ban abortion outright based on the right to life found in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. 

America’s birth certificate, The Declaration of Independence, declares: “… All men have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The term unalienable means impossible to be taken away or to be given away by the possessor. It is the unalienable right of a human baby still in its mother’s womb to live. It is not the right of the mother to give away the unalienable right of the child for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

While this foundational American document declared all men to be equal and free, we know it was not true for thousands of slaves in America’s early history. It was a hundred years after America’s independence before they were given their unalienable right to liberty as endowed by their Creator, and slavery was abolished. Today, we face another atrocity that also defies the unalienable right to life endowed by their Creator for millions of aborted babies. The Declaration further states: “…wherever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government.”

The abolition of abortion still rests in the hands of the American voters! And in liberal states like mine, legislators are digging in their heels to strengthen abortion laws by recently passing a law that allows non-doctors to perform abortions and setting up means to train people to perform them.

What Does “Pro-Choice” Mean?

Since 1973, America has been polluted with the blood of over 60 million innocent babies under the banner “Pro-choice—a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body.” She has the right to choose what she does with her own body, but the baby is a separate body with its own DNA. God says she doesn’t have the right to kill the body of a baby in her womb. She is responsible for the life in her, and no one has the right to take life, but the one who gave it—the Creator.

Make no mistake: The only choice she has is between having a living baby or a dead baby, but either way, she’s going to have a baby!

When Christians vote for candidates who are pro-abortion, they support abortion, and they will answer to God. Politicians call themselves pro-choice, but this is an erroneous euphemism for pro-death. But you’ll never see anyone, especially a politician, use this term. Pro-Choice sounds positive and understanding of women’s rights, and no politician wants to tell a woman, “You don’t have the right to ______” Don’t tell a woman she can’t do something, even if it’s killing her unborn baby. Politicians are intimidated by the Women’s Rights agenda and will kowtow to their demands, even when it goes against their own consciences. They seek to ease them by claiming to be pro-choice. Have you ever heard a politician say, or seen a placard say, “Pro-Abortion”?  Doesn’t that say something? If it’s not wrong, call it by its name! 

Shedding Innocent Blood Pollutes the Land

Psalm 106:37-38: “Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto demons. And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.” 

Molech was the god of the Ammonites aka Chemosh to the Moabites. A brass statue with the face of a calf, his arms extended out as though he were going to embrace those who came near. A cavity in his belly was filled with fire which heated the brass extremely hot. As sacrifice to this god, babies were passed through the fire onto its burning arms as the flames rose up. Drums were beat loudly to drown out the infants’ screams. All the pagan nations of Canaan practiced this horrific worship. When Israel entered into the Promised Land from the wilderness, God commanded them to destroy all these nations, and this was a major reason why: “You shall not offer your seed to pass through the fire to Molech.” (Leviticus 18:21).

We cringe at the thought of such barbarous acts, but killing a baby in its mother’s womb is just as barbarous, heinous, and wicked. It is infanticide. The difference is, they killed the babies after they were born. Today they kill babies while they are still in the presumed safety of their mothers’ wombs. Americans are sacrificing babies to the idol of sex.

Partial-birth abortion is a gruesome procedure which occurs in a woman’s last trimester, when a baby is viable outside the womb. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby’s leg with forceps and pulls it out into the birth canal. With his hands he delivers the baby’s entire body except for the head. If the head is delivered, it becomes a person, and would constitute murder. He jams scissors into the base of the baby’s skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole. The scissors are removed, and a suction catheter is inserted. The baby’s brains are sucked out, causing its skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed from the womb. It is now known that these babies can feel pain. This monstrous procedure is legal in cases where “the mother’s health is at risk.” But this too is deceptive, because the baby could be quickly delivered by cesarean section with less risk to the mother. Abortionists don’t want us to know abortion actually puts the mother’s health at greater risk. 

The Sanctity of the Womb

In God’s mind, the womb is the ultimate place of safety, a place that represents compassion. This is uniquely seen in the Hebrew words for compassion and the womb, both of which are used in Isaiah 49:15-16: “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you upon the palms of my hands…” 

Ancient Hebrew was a pictorial language. The Hebrew alephbet consisted of 22 pictures which evolved into letters. When we know the ancient pictures for the letters, it adds another layer of meaning to the words they form. Most Hebrew words have a three-letter root, all consonants (in ancient Hebrew vowels were not written). By examining the pictures of these letters, a deeper meaning of the word is revealed.

Most intriguing to me is rechem—the Hebrew word for womb. Its three-letter root is r-ch-m. In Hebrew: resh-chet-mem. Here are their word pictures:

resh—A picture of a person’s head. It means person.

chet—A picture of a fence. It means to surround, to protect.

mem—A picture of water. It means water.

rechem—womb—means a person surrounded, protected by water. 

Isn’t this beautiful? But there’s more! It is also the Hebrew word for compassion—for mercy! When God wanted to illustrate mercy and compassion, He used the word for womb! There is nothing more definitive of protective love than a baby in its mother’s womb! (That is, until abortion came into the picture!)

While the majority of evangelical Christians are rejoicing over the overturning of Roe V Wade, the sad truth is, some denominations and churches are upset with the ruling. I read in the paper of one New York senior minister who mourned the overturning of Roe, and during a service last Sunday, she said, “SCOTUS has dealt a terrible blow to women, to girls, to all childbearing people, to freedom…. opening the door for states to rush in and crush reproductive justice” (The Baltimore Sun 06.27.22).

Crush reproductive justice? If there is such a thing, then it is the murdered babies whose justice is being crushed! 

A California rabbi expressed her disappointment over the ruling, saying: “One of the most upsetting things about this decision is that while it claims to represent people of faith, it does not represent our faith.” It doesn’t represent the Jewish faith—really? The Torah contains many passages that denounce child sacrifice, including Leviticus 20:1-5, Deuteronomy 12:31. God soundly rebuked the great wickedness of several kings because adding to their many abominations, they sacrificed their children in the fire.

God commanded Israel there was to be no child sacrifice, and any who did such were to be stoned to death. It was abhorrent, abominable, and would cause His Name to be profaned. Not only were those who committed these atrocities to be put to death, but He would judge those who failed to execute punishment upon them:

“And if the people of the land do anyways hide their eyes from the man when he gives of his seed to Molech, and kills him not: Then will I set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off” (Leviticus 18:21).

If the people of America—especially Jews and Christians, hide their eyeslook the other way and say, “It’s up to the courts, it’s up to the judges to do something,” we will have the blood of these innocents on our hands. It’s up to us—“We the people”—We elect our congressman, senators, and President, who appoint and approve the federal judges to the Supreme Court. We just won a huge battle in the matter of Roe v. Wade, because in the last few years the President and the conservative majority in the Senate appointed and approved three conservative justices who turned the tide against it. The battle has now moved to our 50 states.

Christian Voters: Our job is not done. Church: Keep crying out against this wicked shedding of innocent blood. Shame on those who don’t!

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