The following headline from an online news report ( / Joseph Curl) caught my astounded attention the other day:

“Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Blasted Over Major U.S. City Five Times A Day”

This year, Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, runs from April 23 to May 23. Muslims must pray an obligatory prayer five times a day year-round, so it’s no different for this month. However, in one Minneapolis neighborhood, it will be blasted over outdoor loudspeakers five times a day during Ramadan. That’s 150 times throughout the month, beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset.

The call to prayer is being issued via an amplified public address system on the rooftop of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. It is “believed to be the first publicly-broadcast call to prayer in a major US city,” al-Jezeera English said in a post on Twitter. 

The call, known as the “adhan,” marks an historical moment for Minneapolis and major cities across the United States, community members said. While the adhan is commonly broadcast throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and other places, in the US, it is only heard inside mosques or community centers. The city of Minneapolis issued a noise permit to broadcast the calls to prayer that start at sunrise and end at sunset.

This neighborhood, Cedar-Riverside, lies in the district of the controversial, adversarial Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. It is a neighborhood that in recent years has become one of the most densely populated areas of Islamic immigrants in the country, mainly from Somalia and Ethiopia. Two years ago, a group of Muslims was reported to be patrolling the area, confronting people who were not following tenets of Sharia law. Locals have for years called the area “Little Mogadishu,” and it is known to be a recruiting ground for Islamic terrorists. Fox News calls it “the terrorist recruitment capital of the US.”

The Adhan Translated into English

We have all heard on the news the chilling cries of Islamic terrorists right before executing their deadly missions on innocent people: “Allahu Akbar—God is great!” The god they speak of is not the God of the Bible, jehovah, but the former moon god Allah. The adhan begins by repeating this phrase four times and twice more before the end:

“God is Great! God is Great! God is Great! God is Great!
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Hurry to the prayer. Hurry to the prayer.
Hurry to salvation. Hurry to salvation.
God is Great! God is Great!
There is no god except the One God.”

Do you think it’s okay in America to have loudspeakers blasting the praises and sovereignty of the false god of an imported faith? A faith that denies the fundamental truths of Christianity in a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles—principles that we are no longer permitted to share in the public square?

Our Judeo-Christian and Islam’s moral foundations are radically different. Ours is based on the Ten Commandments. Theirs on Sharia law. Sharia regulates public behavior, private behavior, and even private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Sharia law is the most intrusive, restrictive, and lethal, especially against women. I urge you to google it and learn how cruelly women can be treated, including female genital mutilation, and honor killing, which are practiced in Muslim areas in the US, even though they are illegal. Much of Sharia law is unconstitutional, but they believe Allah’s laws supersede the Constitution. The irony is, they use the Constitution to support their right to religious freedom and protect their extreme antagonism against “unbelievers.”

Doesn’t God Love Muslims?

John 3:16 assures us that God loves the whole world. And Apostle Paul made it clear when he evangelized the polytheistic Greeks that there is only one God for all nations: “And has made of one blood all nations for to dwell on the face of the earth…. That they should seek the Lord…. And find him, though he be not far from every one of them” (Acts 17:26-27). 

I wholeheartedly believe that Christians need to reach out to Muslims in love. It’s the only way to even crack the door open to share the Gospel with them. Because the true Gospel does not support “Chrislam”—a melding of Christianity and Islam.

But we cannot stand idly by and see our religious rights as American Christians trounced while organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) push their agenda. These Muslim immigrants in Minneapolis are being given religious exemptions that are not afforded to Christians in a so-called Christian nation. Muslims are given exemptions to wear the hijab in driver’s license photos in some states and on the job. They are given prayers breaks to say the adhan during working hours and even special prayer rooms to pray on the job; whereas Christians are often censored for even wearing a cross pendant. And Christian prayer is not allowed.

I believe to broadcast their prayers on public air waves five times a day is an affront to all other faiths, and as a believer in the God of the Bible (Allah & Jehovah are not the same God), it is a slap in God’s face. And now that the door has been opened for them to broadcast during Ramadan, I anticipate it staying open to broadcast daily.

I have been to Muslim countries where you are jolted awake at 5 AM by a broadcasted call to prayer, which you hear throughout the day. I knew that I was in a Muslim country when I heard them. I do not expect to hear them in America. I don’t hear Jews broadcasting the Shema in the Bronx on their holy days. I don’t hear Christians broadcasting the Lord’s Prayer on our holy days or playing the song “How Great Is Our God.” We can’t even say “Merry Christmas” at Christmas!

Do we really think it will end with one district in Minnesota? CAIR helped to put Ilhan Oman and others like her in office for these very kind of concessions, and they are getting more Muslims elected every cycle. If you research her speeches at their private meetings, you hear their true manifesto revealed: The Islamatization of America and the destruction of Israel. It begins with the veiled message of “peace,” but the unveiled truth is plainly stated in the definition of the Arabic word “Islam”—Submission.” Everyone assumes it means peace, when in fact, it means “to submit.” While it may seem like a noble thing when it regards submitting to their god, its actions are more targeted against “infidels” who do not accept their god; like the Boco Haram in Nigeria who continue to kidnap hundreds of young Christian females, threatening to make them sex slaves if they don’t convert to Islam.

Here in the US and European countries, government leaders are pressured to concede to their demands or risk being accused of an Islamophobic smear campaign if they resist. The media bends over backwards to accommodate their demands in the name of love and tolerance, while they castigate Christians over one thing after another. Just because we preach love and forgiveness, we are not Christian doormats when it comes to religious rights as citizens. And if we are, we will lose them.

As Christians, we must evangelize these precious people with love, but not with compromise. Compromise is the enemy of Biblical truth. Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Are you surprised that He did not say, “And love shall make you free”? God’s love provided the way for us to know the truth by sending His Son, and Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6).

Christian love is the catalyst for evangelism, but to promote false religion and the worship of a false god, while Christians are being pushed into a closet of offended silence, is to stifle the Gospel, put out our light, and let darkness overtake our nation.

Jesus said that what He tells us in our ear, we are to “shout upon the housetops” (Matt.10:27). Does anyone think that your church could get a government permit to do this? Neither should we have to hear “Allahu Akbar” blasted from a rooftop in an American city.

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