Look at the year: 2010. The very year is a witness to the whole world that Jesus came. The very date AD 2010 declares: In the year of our Lord 2010! As our world, even in America, becomes more unchristian, they seek to erase...
The pilgrims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving in the Plymouth colony in 1621 had begun their journey over twelve years earlier, when they fled from religious persecution in England to Holland. Then with strong faith in the providence of God, that He was leading...
When your car needs repairs, you dont take it to an appliance serviceman, do you? And todays sophisticated cars, with computerized systems, etc., you cannot even always take to a general automotive mechanicyou have to take it to a manufacturers authorized, factory-trained specialist. The...
Unperturbable. I heard the Lord speak this strange, little-used word to my heart at the end of 2007. It is not in the Bible, so a concordance search will not help, but the many facets of its meaning are, and in the months after,...
The divine law of God from Genesis to infinity is: “Every seed after its own kind.” This principle holds true whether of herbs and plants, animals and humans, or even words and deeds. The NT states, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also...