We are often asked this question around the Easter season when many churches have Communion. The Lords Supper is what Jesus gave His Body to memorialize His death, and like the Jewish Passover, we must take it at least once a year. Those who...
In the beautiful poetry of the Song of Solomon is written one of the most touching and descriptive love stories of all time. The lovely Shulamite maiden was wooed and royally pursued by none other than the greatly rich and wise King of Israel,...
Unperturbable. I heard the Lord speak this strange word (Its not in the dictionary!) to my heart a few years ago at years end. It is not in the Bible, so a concordance search will not help, but the many facets of its meaning...
It happens around the fourth month that little flutter in her belly almost like gas, that confirms that she is pregnant, and the baby is alive and kicking. Just a gentle nudge, but unmistakable. Is it her imagination? No! There it goes...
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