In the final New Testament letter before the book of Revelation, the apostle Jude started out to write a friendly letter to all the saints of the common salvation, but something happened, and he had a sudden change of mind: It is needful for...
Time for my Christmas Soapbox Sermon! Every year I lament the waning Christmas “nativity” merchandise offered by retailers. If you want Christ-themed Christmas ornaments, you have to shop at a Christian bookstore. Last month I was finishing up packing my Christmas shoe boxes...
The prophet Elijah, whose Hebrew name eliyahu means, My God is the LORD, had the unenviable job of being God’s spokesman during the reign of wicked King Ahab and his pagan wife Jezebel. The wimpy Ahab was under the domination of his wicked wife...
Recently a Facebook friend asked me about Matthew 10:34-35. She said that she has read these Scriptures several times and needed a better understanding of it. Her specific question: Is Christ speaking of Himself? Jesus is speaking: For I am come to set a...
“… Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8 These words of Jesus tell us two things: He is coming again, and it will be a time when Christianity is in decline: “Now the Spirit speaks...