In this month of thankfulness and giving, the Lord put it on my heart to share this excerpt from a letter to the Ministry regarding tithing. (The term tithe means 10 percent): “I am writing to get your guidance on paying my tithes. I...
For two weeks I had been preaching my message Jeopardy: Losing Your Rewards. That second Sunday was Part Two: 6 Things For Which We Will Be Judged, one being judged our words (Matthew 12:35-37). noted how individual human voices are unique and their recordings...
“Now the Spirit speaks distinctly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons” (1Tim.4:1). We have been hearing of major Christian leaders and worshippers who are in the spotlight of the Body...
The Gospel of Christ is being revamped into a so-called more compassionate, tolerant, and inclusive gospel. This is the new and improved progressive Christianity. But is this a good thing? Scripture warns against revising God’s Word: “I marvel that you are so soon removed...
We all know that Moses was the great lawgiver, but did you know he was also a songwriter? He wrote several songs, including the poignant Psalm 90, in which he offered the prayer: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply...