September 05, 2020 I have preached many funerals, speaking of the glories of Heaven to the saints, and the warning of eternal damnation to sinners. But this one is different. This is my Dad. And I can only speak what’s in my heart. Apostle...
The June 2020 issue of Faith Is Action (FIA) featured Brother Hardy’s classic message “Abba Father”—one of the most encouraging sermons he has ever preached. Underscoring our relationship with God as not only our Heavenly Father, but our “Abba—Daddy”—it elevates us to the status...
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 This is described as “the greatest offer ever made by the greatest person who ever lived.” We...
This Jewish festival takes place in winter, usually December, and lasts for eight days. This year (2017) it falls on December 12-20. It is not one of the major feasts of the Lord that was given to Moses for the Jewish people to keep...
In recent years we have seen the rise of Chrislamthe melding of Christianity and Islam. This synchretism has reached the stage where pastors are opening up their churches to allow Muslims to join them in worship to pray to the Islamic god Allah, whom...