“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). We have all heard and referenced this verse at some time. We know and have experienced that a good belly laugh really makes you feel good...
We know God is listening when we receive answers to our big prayers, those major requests that only His providence can make happen. But there is sometimes greater joy in His unexpected, but on-purpose responses to minor incidents in our lives. These are the...
In the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter three, the words of the wise man and great King Solomon are recorded: “There is a time and a season for every purpose in everything done under heaven: There is the time to plant, and a time to...
It’s 6:30 in the morning. A mother rises early to prepare a tasty and nourishing breakfast for her family. They all especially love pancakes — not the frozen kind you pop into the microwave — but homemade from fresh whole grain batter and real...
For seven years Israel had been the victim of vexation from the Midianites, Amalekites, and others, whose chosen attack was especially insidious, because it struck at the very heart of human existence: the need for food. Each year they would observe the Israelites plant...