The prophet Elijah, whose Hebrew name eliyahu means, My God is the LORD, had the unenviable job of being God’s spokesman during the reign of wicked King Ahab and his pagan wife Jezebel. The wimpy Ahab was under the domination of his wicked wife...
The Wiseman said, “The curse causeless shall not come.” Many problems and negative outcomes we experience are often self-invited. Self is a powerful motivator, and when a leader is motivated by self-will, it is especially tragic, because the consequences will be suffered by many...
I will never forget the time when I was in a fierce battle, attacked on many fronts. Having suffered a severe back injury, I was living with chronic pain, which kept me housebound and even bedridden for hours a day. The spiritual and emotional...
We are often asked this question around the Easter season when many churches have Communion. The Lords Supper is what Jesus gave His Body to memorialize His death, and like the Jewish Passover, we must take it at least once a year. Those who...
In the beautiful poetry of the Song of Solomon is written one of the most touching and descriptive love stories of all time. The lovely Shulamite maiden was wooed and royally pursued by none other than the greatly rich and wise King of Israel,...