It was the third day the disciples were with their new teacher, Jesus. He was invited to a marriage celebration at Cana, located on the picturesque Sea of Galilee, and they were also invited. It was probably the marriage of a family member or...
When my grown sons were boys, they were fond of watching animated videos while Grandma babysat them. They would watch their favorites over and over. One favorite was the classic tale of Rikki Tikki Tavi written by Englishman Rudyard Kipling whose family spent time...
You may have received a Save the Date card from friends who were planning to be getting married within a year. Traditionally, wedding invitations are sent 6 to 8 weeks in advance of the wedding, and generally, those invited would live nearby. These days,...
In the final New Testament letter before the book of Revelation, the apostle Jude started out to write a friendly letter to all the saints of the common salvation, but something happened, and he had a sudden change of mind: It is needful for...
Time for my Christmas Soapbox Sermon! Every year I lament the waning Christmas “nativity” merchandise offered by retailers. If you want Christ-themed Christmas ornaments, you have to shop at a Christian bookstore. Last month I was finishing up packing my Christmas shoe boxes...